school school !!!


ohmigod, could you believe it? im going to school again, not looking forward to it at ALL! yeah, i rather stayin at home then goin to school! aha i know i used to say i love school and blah blah. bt not now tho', change my mind. i love home better, its like a lots of stuff have change this year. i want stuff to be like last year, f3 forever. i hate myself growing, and i hate how my age start to get bigger and bigger every year. haha stupid je,

so i just found out that im goin to be in beta class! yeah, not expecting that tho. i thought i will be in alpha! i want to be in the first class. bt yeah, i couldnt change anything. so what im trying to do right now is, tarik nafas dalam-dalam and let it all go. malas dah nak fikir. my mum said it wont last long. a lots of people will move out soon, yeah to bording schl. maybe im one of them? aih, hopefully. sooooo anyway, i wasnt ready for anything! havent ready my school clothes yet (tk gosok etc) and havent ready my sch beg. mcm malas je nak buat all those stuff. ARGHHH!

thats it, see you guys tomorrow. mwah mwah!