my first blog here

hey im homeeeeeeee, and i wont come back to that stupid school.

hahahah, just kidding. im still dekat sini, gune cc. pfft, i hate this place seriously. you have no idea how hard my life is. my life is so damn complicated, and meaningless. which mean i have nothing in my life. its empty. yup no family, and no friends.


seriously i cried nearly almost everyday, but usually i cried in my heart je lah. ahah is that make sense to you? yeah, im trying to hide everything when im here. every morning when i woke up, i always shocked when i look around the room. this place is so damn different from where i used to be. i want my home back, my bed back, and i miss the aircond in my room. and mostly i miss my computer and RADIO! yeah, i havent listen to music for ages. i wonder if there any new song keluar dekat fly fm.

life seriously is so damn slow. i only stay here for five days, and yet i felt it like it was five months or sthg. people here is ok, but some are mean. and i hate it. the school is UGLEYHH! yeah, ugly. i never seen a place like this before. and its so damn strict. strict STRICT strict. cikgu nak four flat, which mean i need to get straight A's for every exam i have. pfft, greatt! yeah, great great great. activity pun banyak gila. tido selalu pukul 12 lebih. and bangun awal pagi cs nak rebut toilet yang buruk gila tuuu. aihh. and then over here everyone is so damn genius, and otak dorg sume set on study je. im stuck seriously, the whole time im here i always be so stressful. i want to go home, i want to go back to my old school. i want my family! and i want my friends backkkk!

so ive cried today, pfft last four days im here i always tried to think positive. yeah think positive fatin, think positive. bila nak nangis je, i bit my lips. yeah, its hurt alots! when i think back the memories, i cried. ahah, but quietly dekat dlm hati. seriously it was hard to hide my feelings from the people here. everyone dekat sini love this place, yeah the mrsm pc. they were so active and pandai gila babeng. seriously im so kagum dgn dorg sume. i felt so tiny every time aku dekat sini. it was hard, i want to go back dekat my old school. it was so much better to be one of the top in school. but now im not anymore. everyone is TOP here, except me ofcourse. i want to go back homeeeeeeeeeeeee. help me people! im dying leaving in this stupid place

ok wait, tadi i cried. ahah, for the very first time i cried infront of everyone in school. lantak lah apa org nak fikir, i couldnt stand to hide my feelings anymore. they have no idea how much i hate this place. I HATE THIS PLACE GOSHHH! well td i cried cs i wasnt feeling very well, and i have this period pain. yea thanks for the pain, at least i could cried infront of evrybody and then when they asked me why i cried, i could lie to them ' sakit perut, and tak sihat! ' sebenarnya, im home sick and and SCHOOL SICK! so i cried from the morning sampai lah tengah hari. and i went to my dorm, actually cikgu tak kasi. but lantak lah! i dont care about the rules anymore. i want to break the rules, so i can get out from this stupid school. and then i slept tadi, but sekejap je. actually today i have merentas desa, and choir tonight. pfft, what a busy day. yesterday, i kene nari poco-poco (dont laugh u guys) you have no idea how hard i tried to dance infront of the school. but nak buat cmne everyone doing it, so dengan muka yang tak taw malu i dance lah jugak. shitttttt, i hate it. and then yesterday ada activity buat sandwich etc. pfft, pastu setiap petang belajar nari poco-poco.

so tomorrow i start my school, yeah this few days cume orientation je. but seriously it was a very hard week. i felt like as if this year is my worst year ever. everything is hard. and idk where i should turn anymore, i couldnt go anywhere. if aku balik semula, mesti malu. dah lah baru pindah, and then datang balik. besides, i dont want to make thngs hard for my parent. so aku sabar je lah every time im here. but when i decide to sabar, things getting worster and worster. my life getting stressful every single day. its like i couldnt hide from that word. mesti ada je bende yang buat i stress, and im seriously tired with my life

next week im goin back home, and i cant wait! friday aku nak lari ke sekolah, and see my friends. seriously i miss my family and friends soooo much. but nati i only can go home three days je. actually tak macam three days pun, mcm one day an a half je aku balik. but its ok, i will use it wisely.

anyway gtg, nak balik ke school. pfft, so take care you guys, ill miss youuu guys badly. i cant wait to go homeeeeeeeeeeeee! goodbye, and ill see ya soon


D. said...

fatin doing poco-poco?! i'd LOVE to see that!! hahaha, cant wait for you to come homeee! take care :)

hey. i bet you made lotsa frns! and merentas desa awal nyaa. next week balik sini, meh dtg merentas desa sini plak tau?! hahaha.

Houdae said...

babe, i miss you so much ! god, byk gila activities dkt sne. i really want to see you dancing in front there :p

da smp sini text me immediately ok ? love youuuuu

Anonymous said...

awww i'm not as strong as u. lol poco poco sounds niceeee.